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Small Cells Hosting

Small Cells Hosting

Small Cells Hosting is a service that enables telecom operators in boosting their 4G networks for data capacity offload, network quality improvement, and increased customer experience in high traffic density metropolitan areas or towns where 4G signal density requires improvement. Small Cells, which are tiny base stations, may be built and operated closer to where end users want enhanced 4G signals by being put on facilities we create, own, and operate.

  • Turnkey execution and administration of small cell facilities, including planning, site acquisition, transmission planning, site construction, and operations.
  • India's largest neutral small cell host and preferred partner for telcos
  • 90% or more of locations have fibre backhaul.
  • Rapid speed to market - The average time from site order (approved) to site readiness is 7 days.
Small Cells Hosting

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